Handing the Shame Back

Survivor Tip #42 - Being Captive

Gloria Masters Season 5 Episode 42

Being Captive
This term often takes people to visions of being trapped physically. Although this does happen, what is far more common and likely to happen is us doing this to ourselves!! By that I refer to being held captive by our minds and thoughts.  We can break this cycle with some dedicated focus and practical tips to follow. This is a game changer!
Go to our website (see below) for more information on resources available, and if you are looking for coaching whether survivor or supporter. https://www.handingtheshameback.org/ 
#handingtheshameback #handsign4kids #childhoodsexualabuse #survivorofsexualabuse #survivorsupport
#survivors #ibelievesurvivors #handingtheshameback #handsign4kids takes people to visions of being trapped physically. Although this does happen, what is far more common and likely to happen is us doing this to ourelves!! By that I refer to being held captive by our minds and thoughts.  We can break this cycle with some dedicated focus and practical tips to follow. This is a game changer!

Go to our website (see below) for more information on resources available, and if you are looking for coaching whether survivor or supporter. https://www.handingtheshameback.org/ 
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#survivors #ibelievesurvivors #handingtheshameback #handsign4kids

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Website: https://www.handingtheshameback.org/
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