Handing the Shame Back

Jeanie Dean Interview - Part 2

Gloria Masters Season 6 Episode 21

Welcome to Part 2 of Jeanie Dean's interview.
She is an Expert Witness | Safeguarding Safety Risk Expert | Trauma Informed Investigator and specialist interviewer and Trainer | Managing Director at Safeguarding Solutions Australia. The impact of her abuse began a healing journey leading into researching why sex offenders do what they do.This became her purpose in life. You can reach Jeanie on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanie-dean-90a46483/
NZ    Sexual Harm Helpline, 0800 044 334 or text 4334, support@safetotalk.nz.
          Help Auckland  0800 623 1700. Male Survivors Aotearoa, Freephone: 0800 044 334
USA  RAINN https://www.rainn.org/ Largest US support for adult survivors of child sexual abuse
UK    NAPAK  https://napac.org.uk/  Supporting recovery from childhood abuse
AUSTRALIA   Blue Knot Foundation - https://blueknot.org.au/  Provide support to people who have experiences of complex trauma, and for those who support them.
To get some more resources from us, please go to: https://www.handingtheshameback.org/, we offer books, coaching and tips for survivors and for those supporting them. 
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We are on all social media platforms:
Website: https://www.handingtheshameback.org/
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